Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Thursday, April 25, 2013

PT Session #18: Lonely :(

My therapist was off today, so I worked with another therapist.  Going to PT has become such a normal part of my routine.  I spend so much time there that it has started to feel like a version of home for me.

Working with this other therapist made it a foreign experience.  There weren't many therapists or patients there today.  At one point, I looked up and realized that I was the youngest person in the whole building.  I don't know where the high school and college aged kids were today.  The therapist I worked with was obviously qualified and knew what he was doing but I have really come to realize over the last few weeks how important it is to have a "personal" relationship with your therapist.

What I mean is, my therapist has come to know my personality, my individual quirks, and my strengths and weaknesses physically and motivation wise.  He always seems to be more attentive exactly when I need him to be and hands off when I just need to work through a challenging exercise on my own.

This therapist told me my exercises, set up some stations for me, and then was pretty hands off the whole time.  I felt so alone.  Not all of the exercises require complete focus.  So then it was just me standing there stretching my calf, or balancing on my leg, or doing some leg presses.  Therapy is waaaay worse when all you have to think about is how boring and mundane all of the strengthening exercises are.

My left took to all of the exercises well.  My right hasn't bothered me as much since I have completely stripped all of the weight bearing activities out of my life.

Every PT appointment ends with icing.  My feet are so bad off that I have to do GameReady (Ice + Compression) on BOTH FEET.  We have been doing this ever since my right foot collapsed.


  1. Hello.

    I went through PTTD surgery as well and it was pretty rough. Your approach and attitude though are great. You repeatedly seem to bounce back to an outlook that seems almost 'bring it'; I admire that.

    As an active person, having to go through this not only once, but twice in such short succession...well..though it may not be a speedy recovery, I wish you a complete recovery - including the ability to run again.


    1. Hey Lola,

      Sorry to hear that you had to have PTTD surgery also. I don't wish this horrible fate on anyone. Thank you for posting. I went back and read my blog, which of course I have been avoiding because I don't want to relive the bad days. I see what you are saying. There are definitely low points, but I do bounce back. Somehow I keep finding ways to stay positive and keep moving forward on the right track. It is a daily struggle, but I know that I just can't quit.

      Thanks for the well wishes. I have all of my fingers and toes crossed that I will make it out of this and be able to run again, someday.

      I also wish you well with your frankenfoot. (That is what I call mine anyways)



      P.S. I did some major updating of the last few weeks, so read forward if you are interested ;)
