Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 94: Gym Workout

My therapist guilted me pretty hard yesterday about not going to the gym in a week.  He told me that I have to stay committed.  Even though I have all but given up on myself and my chance to recover, he has not.

I was so hesitant about going back to the gym, because I knew that I would have to return to such a limited list of exercises.  I went anyways.

10 mins bike hill program

4 x 10 circuit:
~50 lb lat pull down, seated rows
~level 7 arm machine
~70 lbs leg extension/leg curl
~30 lbs single leg press
~20 lbs leg press calf raises

4 x 10 balancing exercises on the mat
(leg abduction, forwards, backwards)

3 x 30 sec balancing on the mat

4 x 10 left leg abduction/knee raises

3 x 10 24 lb bar deadlifts/shoulder shrugs

2 x 10 back sit-ups w/ 5 lb weight

2 x 20 sec plank circuit

20 mins bike pyramid program

PT exercises.


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