Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 102: Paying the Price

After a full day of activity yesterday and having more time to process the news of having the second surgery scheduled, today was rough both physically and emotionally.

I really don't know if my feet or my brain hurt worse.  There is an old quote that I learned during my college track days, "The heart achieves what the mind believes."  I have stayed really positive and optimistic through the vast majority of my recovery.  I have willed myself to heal faster and make major progress...with my left...but then my right just pulled the rug right up from under me.  No matter how hard I focus my energy on improving and doing what I need to do to be able to walk normally again, my right foot will need the same surgery.

So hard to deal...

More icing, elevating, and drugs.

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