Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 115: Harsh Reality + PT Session #22

So, I got a grand total of 3.5 hours of sleep.  You can imagine how excited I was to get up and go to PT.  This is actually the first day that I can remember not actually wanting to go.  I didn't not want to go because I was tired, it was because I am frustrated at having to fight this battle of trying to learn how to walk properly again and get my life back, while everyone else is just gallivanting on the streets enjoying graduating.

It is simply not fair.  I know that life is not fair, but come on.  Again, what exactly did I do to deserve this?

Is this some cosmic joke...I have a PhD in Exercise Physiology and I can't exercise.  Ha ha ha.  I am laughing my head off.

I had a graduation reception to go to and my own graduation party that night.  It was all fine and dandy and would have been the perfect celebration if I didn't have my feet to remind me how bad my life sucks with every step.  My feet were also too swollen to even wear my Clark's wedges with my dresses, so I had to wear my mary jane Clark's flats for 90 year olds to both events.

At the small after party I had at my apartment, my friend accidentally stepped on my foot, right on the outside where all of the bone work was done.  Can you say, EXCRUCIATING PAIN!!!  I had to sit down immediately, popped another ibuprofen pill, and had to ice to get my pain level down.  It was an innocent mistake, and something I wouldn't have even flinched at before, but now my life is dictated by my stupid feet, and that accident ruined the rest of my night because I could barely stand.

So far from my old life...

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