Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 48 (188): Weekend Recap + PT Session #6

This past weekend was the last full weekend that I have living here before I move on Friday.  I stuck to my PT exercises two times per day.  I also took care of closing out a lot of my personal affairs and started packing.  I can get around pretty well in the boot, but I have only been able to pack a couple boxes at a time.  It is so physically exhausting for me at this point.  I really think that all of my body's energy is going to repairing these lovely feet of mine, so I have none left over for anything else.  Luckily, my parents come on Thursday to help me with the move.  I am normally super prepared for moves with all of my stuff perfectly packed in labeled boxes.  This time, my stuff is still literally everywhere.  It doesn't even look like I am moving, and I have less than a week to go.

PT Session #6

Good news: My therapist is back! Yay!

Bad news: Only 3 sessions left in Miami with him :(

I told my therapist about how the other two therapists kicked my butt while he was gone.  In my head, I kept thinking, "While you were on vacation, they made me work hard for the money!" Haha.  He was really happy to hear about how much I had been able to do.  As such, we only did about 10 mins of massage and ROM compared to the usual ~30 mins of that.  After that he had me on the fitness floor doing similar exercises to the ones I did on Friday.  The only thing extra we did was weighted leg abduction/adduction and knee raises.  By the time I finished everything, we talked about our strategy for the remaining appointments.  Since I only have two left and I want to be walking and driving by the time I leave, we decided that I will try to transition to the tennis shoe and ankle brace a little bit early and try it at my appointment on Wednesday.  I have had no pain FWB in the boot, so I don't think it will be an issue.  With the first surgery, my therapist had to beg me to make the transitions.  It was so hard for me because with every transition, my pain level would go up and I would have to basically start from scratch again to learn how to get around.  This time, I have been begging him and my doctor to let me progress.  I really am the best one to gauge the transitions with this surgery, since I have personally been through this all before.  I have none of that nagging heel pain or the feeling that my heel is scraping on concrete with every step from the calcaneal osteotomy this time.  My foot feels good, a lot more stable than with the first surgery, and I have already been walking around my apartment without my boot for days now. (Don't tell anyone, haha!)

After therapy...back to packing.


More hard work, but also more progress...which means I am a happy camper :)

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