Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 23 (163): Never Quit

Last night, I finally got a decent night of rest.  I calmed my mind and body and just relaxed.  No question that I was still extremely uncomfortable but I forced myself to ignore it.  I still woke up by 7 am, but I slept much better.

As the details of my new job get more finite, I had the idea to figure out where I would be with my recovery upon moving, starting my contract, and the semester starting.  What did I do?  I re-read my blog from the 6-week mark forward and correlated that with my current surgery timeline and my calendar.  I didn't realize how useful keeping this blog would be.  I remember my milestones, but I don't remember the specific days they happened on, but my blog does!  It was also great to re-read all the questions that I asked my doctor at my post-op appointments.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the biggest difference is I haven't been able to ride my bike this time, because of the difficulty I have mounting it with my new left foot.  Since yesterday was a good day, where I realized I can make it farther on my walker than I thought, I decided to make the trek to my building's gym.  It is a small hike from where my apartment is located.

Yes...you heard that right...me...in the NWB stage...took a walker to the gym.  I know I am crazy but I need to work on maintaining/slowing the decline of my fitness if I want to recover as quickly when I get to the PWB stage as I did the last time.  I did two circuits of all the seated machines, primarily doing arm work.  I was also able to do single-legged extensions, curls, presses, and calf raises with my left leg.  I did a shoulder circuit and shoulder presses with dumbbells, while standing with the help of my walker.  In addition, I did some body weight work with my left leg since there are rails for me to hold on to at the gym.  I did single leg squats, leg abduction/adduction, and knee raises.  When I got back to my apartment I did abs and my PT exercises for my left foot.  This workout completely exhausted me, so I'll only be able to go every few days.

After showering, eating lunch, and resting while icing and elevating,  I took out the trash (scooting it on my walker), cleared and re-loaded my dishwasher, and marinated and grilled some chicken for my dinner.


Day by day I am realizing that I just won't quit.  I keep looking all of the challenges I have doing activities of daily living right in the face and figuring out ways to conquer them.  I believe in myself with every cell of my being.  I will get through this.

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