Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 10 (150!!!): New Start

My new left foot is 150 days old!!!


With the excitement of the interviews yesterday and a choice to make of how to proceed, I did a lot of reflecting in the night.

I concluded that the university that already offered me a job was the right fit, so much so, that I didn't find it worth it to go through with the campus interview at the other university.  I think if I wasn't injured, I might have done it, but it wouldn't have changed my decision.  Traveling 3 weeks after surgery to interview with my second choice when I already had a job offer from my first choice, was not a risk that I was willing to take.  Traveling to the conference 5 months after my first surgery was a challenge.  I can't imagine airline travel with both of my feet in compromised positions.  Not to mention, the interesting conversation that I would have to have with the search committee before traveling, explaining my situation, and why I would be showing up with crutches and a wheelchair.

By noon, I handled the acceptance of my job offer and placed a courtesy call to the other university to respectfully decline continuing in their hiring process.

In the afternoon, my mom and I went to the mall to celebrate my acceptance of a job offer.  She pushed me around in my wheelchair.  When we returned, the excitement of the last two days finally caught up with me and I was completely exhausted.  I took a 4 hour nap, was up for less than 2 hours, and then I went to bed for the night.

Lesson learned...I am far from full strength.


Today, I found out exactly what my next adventure is going to be.   I know what I am going to be doing with the next significant chunk of my life, which is a huge relief, but scary at the same time.  Come this fall, I will start my first "real" job.  I have a renewed spirit, with new hopes and dreams.  I am going to be careful not to forecast my life forward beyond the present day, since I don't want to get caught in the depressive trap of my life turning out so different than how I pictured...again, but it doesn't stop me from imagining how wonderful it could be.  I am one rung higher than rock bottom, so it can only go up from here, right?

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