Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 160 (300!!!): Post-Op Appointment #4- All Clear

300 Days!!!

Keeping myself busy at my new job and in my new city has helped the time just melt away.  300 days.  3-0-0 days since my first surgery!

Kind of perfect that my fourth post-op appointment (almost 6-month checkup for my right foot) was today after having such a wonderful weekend, so I was in great spirits going in to the appointment.

Surprisingly, I had a really short wait.  They called me back minutes after my appointment time.  As I walked back to the patient rooms, I passed all of the support staff who were all overjoyed to see me walking so well.

Same drill, short report on how I'm doing, trip to the x-ray room, and back to the patient room.

My doctor came in shortly after.  

I told him about how much my walking has improved, and how I am back on my road bike riding outside, and how I also swim and go to the gym consistently.  

He was happy to hear that I am steadily improving and much to my surprise, he told me I don't have to come back and see him unless something comes up.  As in NO MORE POST-OP APPOINTMENTS!!!!  and...NO MORE MEDICAL RESTRICTIONS!!!!

When my doctor left to meet with other patients, I asked the Athletic Trainer that has been working on my case alongside my surgeon what to do to progress from where I am to full activity.  He told me that the best tool is to use the pool to simulate any activities I want to do on the ground.  

Upon checking out, I requested an electronic copy of all of my x-rays, and said my goodbyes.  Everyone in the place was so happy to see me leaving out for what we all hope is the final time.  


I did not walk into this appointment expecting to get the "All Clear."  I am glad that I had no expectations because it made the realization of being released even sweeter.  This entire trip brought me great closure to all of my endeavors in this city, closure I wasn't lucky enough to have when I moved.  With my feet coming back, my PhD in tow, an AMAZING job, and family and friends that support me,  it feels so great that I can truly move on with my life.  

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