Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 147 (287): 21/41 week update + PT Session #31 + Clipping out

*Right: 21 week surgery anniversary*

*Left: 41 week surgery anniversary*

My feet are still steadily improving.  No complaints or major updates at the moment.

PT Session #31

5 mins elliptical, lateral squat walks with 150 lb bungee cord, 3 x 15 seated heel raises, 4 x 10 single leg trampoline ball throws while balancing on a foam pad, Manual therapy: knuckles on calves + combo ultrasound/estim treatment

During the session, my therapist asked, "Have you been practicing clipping out from your bike?" I said, "NO...with the reasoning that I try to avoid doing things that I can't do.  I want to avoid the frustration trap, especially since this is something that I did so easily before." He dropped the conversation after this, but I was still panged with guilt that I haven't been practicing it.  The only way to get better is to practice.  I am sabotaging myself!

During manual therapy, he said that my calf/achilles incisions have a bulge of scar tissue.  He told me that I have to rub them a few times daily.  This sucks!  There is always something new wrong.  Fix one problem, and here comes another.


At work, I had my lab students do wingate testing, which is a 30 sec maximal anaerobic test.  My students were really engaged this week so it made me happy.  Back in my office, by random chance, I read a school newspaper article about this research grant that my school received.  I realized that the principal investigator (PI) is in my department, and the project is directly in my research area.  I emailed the PI, and the next thing I know, I am in her office, and being offered a spot on her research team.  Yet another research project added to my load.  More projects= more publications.  This makes me happy!

Clipping Out

After work, I thought more about my therapist and how he asked me to go back to practicing my clipping out.  As soon as I got home, I set my bike back up on the indoor trainer and changed my pedals from the flat ones to the ones that I can clip into with my cycling shoes.  I strapped my cycling shoes on and climbed on my bike.  I clipped in, and pedaled a few circles, and then...like a flash, I clipped my right foot out!  With EASE!!!  I did it a few more times before trying my left.  My left foot is a little more challenged at the moment than the right, but it is ok, because my main clip-out foot is my right.  I clip out the left second, after I have already stopped.  I practiced 100 times with each foot.  I will have to keep this practicing up if I want to be able to wear my cycling shoes out on the road.


My friend sent me the link to the speech I gave this past weekend, and I know why everyone was so inspired.  I was inspired watching myself back!  After giving that speech, rolling in to two straight days of making major progress in my research, and also with my feet (realizing that I can clip out now), this may possibly be the best week of my life.

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