Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Thursday, June 4, 2015


*Right: 2 year surgery anniversary*

I was having so much fun living my life that I actually forgot about my anniversary until a couple days after it passed...whoops. This is another major sign that I've moved on from the impact these surgeries have had on me and have defined a new life for myself...crappy bionic feet in tow. On June 4th, 2015, my 2 year right surgery anniversary, I spent the day doing something I had never dreamed of doing and certainly something I thought I was too scared to do. I mean...I'm the girl that believed that there were sharks in the deep end of the swimming pool for the better part of my childhood and I went SCUBA DIVING!!! Like in the legit ocean...40 ft deep...in Roatán, Honduras. I loved it so much that I went back and dove again the next day. It was an unforgettable experience. I think that any time that you are that far outside your comfort zone, there is always a lasting impact on your life.

The tank alone was 60 lbs!!!! The biggest challenge for my feet was standing up with all the equipment on in preparation for jumping off the boat to begin the dive.  It was also quite the challenge to get back up in the boat with the heavy equipment.  I felt my ankles and knees buckling :/


  1. Hey really great blog, how are you holding up??! Glad to hear your success story

  2. Hey Charles! Thank you. It makes me feel good that my blog is helping people. I added a few more posts this evening and will finish updating it through Summer 2016 soon. 2015 was a phenomenal year for me physically- several triathlons including my first international and first half iron distance race, my first cycling race, a 6 hr hike up and down a steep volcano trail, competed in swimming races, etc. 2016 also started out great physically, but then a shoulder injury, which triggered a knee injury, stopped me in my tracks. Back to PT, cortisone shots, NSAIDs, and I took 2 months off of training to try to heal what I thought were sports overuse injuries...and then my body went downhill. I realized I actually have an autoimmune disease that is an inflammatory arthritis condition and my posterior tibial tendonitis/tendon disorder is related to that. My high level of training and active lifestyle kept my arthritis at bay--I never sat still long enough for my joints to stiffen. It's something that was missed by my doctors for almost a decade, and definitely the underlying cause of my ankles collapsing. I'm starting a new project, autoimmunechronicles.com. That website will have information about autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses and will also feature a new blog that I have plans to start. You can visit the site now, but it just says that it is under construction, I haven't made it live yet. I am determined to catch this blog up to present before I move on to my new website and blog.

    I take it that you visited my site because you have similar problems. Feel free to comment with questions or your email address and I would be happy to follow up with you. Stay strong and just take everything one day at a time! Better days are always around the corner :)

