Ever seen a flatter foot? This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...

Ever seen a flatter foot?  This was the beginning of my PTTD surgery journey...
Left Foot Pre-Surgery X-ray: Ankle with heel valgus and flatfoot deformity

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 210 (350): 30/50 Week Update + NYE

*Right: 30 week surgery anniversary*

*Left: 50 week surgery anniversary*

30 weeks and 50 weeks!  I am knocking down time like it is a pin at the bowling alley.

2 weeks until my one year for my left foot!


My mom and I went walking again today.  We love going walking together, and this break is the first time in over a year that I have been able to enjoy being active with her.

Duration: 00:35:46
Average Speed: 3.50 mph
Distance: 2.09 miles

It was a short and sweet walk.  It was my first time back on a trail that I used to train for marathons on.  It was the same trail that I ran 10 miles for this first time on.  That was Christmas Day, two years ago.  It was rather eerie going around the turns and up and down the hills.  It was as if I could remember every step of my former runs.  It was a huge déjà vu moment for me.  It also prompted me to realize that I have gotten good at just feeling numb through experiences like this.  Don't get me wrong, I was happy to be back on the trail and happy to do a measly 2 miles...that is a huge success for what I have been through.  But I can't help but flashback to my former life and remember the feeling of running and being so committed to my fitness goals that I woke up early on Christmas Day, stuck to my running program,  and completed 10 miles in preparation for my first half marathon that I had coming up a month later.  Today, It seemed like I felt small surges in my heart, the feeling of it shattering to pieces, but ultimately I kept myself together, not feeling too happy to be back on the trail and not too sad to not be back to running.  Like I said...numb, I didn't even cry.  That is how I have learned to deal.  I know it is only temporary and I'll go back to feeling the full impact of the ups and downs of life, but not yet.  I am not through this, but I will be someday.

New Year's Eve Summary

No heels, no sparkles, no killer outfit, sober New Year's Eve.  Also a good one, because I spent it with my family.   And the most important part, I made it to New Years.  There were days this year that I didn't know if I would live to see the next year.  So this day is also a victory...and I'm almost to the one year mark for my first surgery.

Just after counting down to midnight and taking a ginger ale toast with my family (lame, I know, especially considering I am the youngest at 26), I went up to my bed and did my normal nightly PT exercises.

The grind continues...

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